Our presentation will cover the history and evolution of 3D data visualisation, highlighting its early use in tools such as Excel and its development over time. The main differences between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional data visualization will be presented, as well as how data visualization principles are often contrasted with 3-dimensional data visualization. We then examine how AR and VR impact 3D data visualisation. We also touch on the area of data physicalization, which is closely related to our topic. We will present our recent experiments with 3D printed models built from instant payment and meteorological data that literally provide tangible data representations to the audience.

Zsolt Pál
Data Visualization Expert at ECX
Zsolt Pál adatvizualizációs szakértő, egyetemi docens (ME), kb. 15 éve használja és 10 éve oktatja a Tableau-t.
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