látogató számláló

Alberto Cairo

Knight Chair
University of Miami (USA)
November 22 · Online · English talk

Data Visualization: The Art of Insight

Data visualization is a language that consists of mapping data onto symbols guided by a visual grammar. Like any other language, visualization can be used in various ways (prosaic, essayistic, poetic, and so on) and has several “dialects”. This talk will describe some of them.


Alberto Cairo is the Knight Chair at the University of Miami, where he teaches data visualization and infographics. He has a long career in journalism, having led graphics teams in Spain, Brazil, and the United States. He’s the author of several books, such as ‘How Charts lie’ (2019) and the upcoming ‘The Art of Insight’ (2023). Cairo is also a consultant for companies such as Google and Microsoft, governmental institutions, and international organizations.