látogató számláló

Budapest BI Forum 2021

The Budapest BI Forum is the leading vendor-independent business intelligence and analytics conference in Hungary. The conference offers keynotes, technical talks and case studies focusing on BI, data visualization, data analytics and data-driven business.

This event is a member of our data conference series, along with the Budapest ML Forum and the Budapest Data Forum.

Formats and dates

The conference takes place between 16-18 November, 2021. This year the conference will run in a hybrid format, featuring both in-person and online talks.

  • The first day (16 November) will be in-person (in Budapest),  The program will includes mainly Hungarian talks.
  • The second day (17 November) will run online via Slack and Zoom. Both Hungarian and international talks will be held on this day.
  • The third day (18 November) will be online, hosting our popular Open Sessions offering talks for current or aspiring data professionals on career development and other topics.


Program overview

Main program tracks

  • The Business Analytics track cover data visualization, dashboard design, data storytelling and self-service BI case studies, tools and best practices
  • The Data-Driven Business hosts case studies on using BI and analytics  in a wide range of industries from finance to professional sports, and it also includes talks on data literacy and data culture.
  • The Open Analytics tracks covers the  open data ecosystem and open source BI and dataviz tools, including Python and  R talks focusing on data analysis and data visualization use cases.



Florian Jetter


Florian Jetter

Open Source Software Engineer, Coiled

Scaling Python with Dask



CEO, xltrail

Python for Excel
Kevin Kho


Kevin Kho

Open Source Community Engineer, Prefect

FugueSQL - SQL for Pandas, Spark and Dask


Our Hungarian registration is now open, visit the following website for further information: → Budapest BI 2021 - Registration HU

For registering non Hungarian-speaking attendees or speakers please reach out to us at office@budapestbi.hu.





For sponsorship inquiries please reach out to us at office@budapestbi.hu.