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Neil RichardsEMEA BI Lead
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Questions in Dataviz – how curiosity will improve your creativity
On learning data visualisation you will soon become equipped with a number of skills and basic principles giving you a foundation in analysis for BI. This talk is for those who want to stretch their imagination and skills to be more creative and unconventional. Challenge what you know and always continue asking questions to lead onto new creative ideas.
Neil Richards is a four time Tableau Visionary (formerly known as Zen Master), a data visualisation hobbyist, blogger, professional, and speaker. He is a Director of Viz For Social Good (vizforsocialgood.com), and former director of the Data Visualization Society.
He enjoys creating data art pieces and promotes the ethos of design driven data, exploring a wide range of visualisation types and taking influence from art, design, nature, and other unconventional sources. Visualisation topics may range from history through sport, mathematics, art, culture, and geopolitics, but are rarely serious. Neil’s first book Questions in Dataviz is due to be released in 2022.